Become More Intelligent


Are you familiar with the diagram above? These are your energy centers, also known as chakras. Most people think chakras are spiritual woohoo but do not make this mistake. Each chakra is a major organ point. Your root chakra are your adrenals, your sex chakra are your testes, etc.

An imbalance in any of these centers will keep your body and mind at a lower stage of development. The vast majority of people dissipate too much power at one or two centers, while starving the others. Consider the throat chakra for an example, the average person dissipate lots of energy at this center through useless chatter. The stomach chakra is another common dissipation point. The average person waste a vast amount of life force digesting food the body does not need. The sex chakra is another abused center, and people who realize the energy leak at this point call themselves retainers.

All this dissipation whether at the throat, sex, or stomach center, comes at a cost- your vitality. Mental and physical forces are dwindled when energy is wasted. Not enough power remains in the system to develop the individual.

In my book, Become More Intelligent, I show you what habits to avoid in order to stop dissipating vitality. Again, I must stress that sexual retention is only addressing leaks at only one energy center. There are six more centers people routinely dissipate power from without realizing its draining their health, youth, and vitality.

Once you stop leaking energy, power builds up in your system. Once you have power, you may use it to drive your evolution forward. My book also shares tips on how to use that conserved energy to form what I call “ a custom mind”.

Information is one of the most valuable commodities there is. The money you spend on coffee can easily be used on self investment. It took me decades of experimentation to arrive at these techniques. I share them with you with at the price of a coffee. I wish you health, wealth, and success.


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