Make Yourself into Something

If you’ve read my book, you’ve stopped dissipating yourself through fapping, senseless dating, useless speech, etc. Now what? Most men would assume that now is the time to focus on money getting. Although slightly better than the previous dissipations, I tend to respond to such financial ambition with a question: Getting money for what? You are trading life energy for a piece of paper created by a banking cartel. It cost them nothing to print dollars, which means you are working for them for free.

The accumulation of material wealth is neither new or original. While money has its place, it should not be the central focus of our lives. Rather than build financial empires, why not make something of yourself? But what does this sentence mean? Well you see… most people are not really anything. Just a pile of accident. There is no intent behind their physical and mental constitution.

Making something of yourself means becoming a unique by cultivating virtues. The virtue can be mental, such as becoming a super engineer, a personal goal of mine. Or… it can be physical, such as developing exceptional strength, endurance, or beauty. Your mind and body is clay. Mold it into something!

Most people spend too much energy on external things. The energy spent on luxuries and indulgence could have been used to bring forth the unique man or woman inside them, their true gift to the world. Instead, they waste that energy on countless nonsense that adds nothing to their evolution. Since the unique self is never brought forth, people end up dying as carbon copies of each other.

Stop chasing the devaluating currency of a wretched elite. Stop measuring your self worth by how much money is in your wallet. Ask yourself, do you have the body you want? Do you have the mind you want? Getting money is easy. Forging yourself is hard!.

